
Here are just a few of the helpful reports we have...

Antibiotic Stewardship

Not limited to just antibiotics, any drug classification can be mapped.

Residents with At Risk Medications

Immediately see any potential medication issues

Transfer to Hospital

Transfering Residents to accute care is a mouse click away.

Time To Complete Pass

Keeps track of each pass and how long they take. Get trends easily.

Physicians Orders

Enter other physician orders detail and capture them here.

Resident Census

Always know your patient census and your trends over time.

Medication Classifications Dispensed

When an auditor asks you how many meds were dispensed in a certain classification, just print this off.

Workload Distribution

See at a glance how many meds there are to pass throughout the day so you know how you need to staff up.

Medication Destruction

Easily keep track of medications that have been destroyed.

Controlled Substance Registry

Auditing Controlled Substances is a mouse-click away.


MAR; Everything is properly documented and readable.

User Activity

ChartMeds tracks how successful your staff are and measures their time to complete each resident. Easily get a graphical representation and compare personnel to see why one is more successful than another.


If your residents have barcoded charts, Print off barcodes with a single mouse click

Pass Time Progress

Real-time information on how each pass is progressing.

PRN's Administered

Real-time information on all PRN medications dispensed.

Blood Pressure Trends

When you have meds that require a blood pressure, pulse, or other input, get a graphical representation of how each patent is trending.


Client Satisfaction is our Priority

  • With the mobile phone alerts, we can take care of the situation immediately, and no errors are made.

  • Impressive. So efficient that I work with fewer people

  • I can see exactly what my staff is doing in real time

    Clear Water,FL
